-选择初级的课程, 请参照课程备注的星级程度避免错误地选择了高级别的课程。
Guidence for beginners
It is our first priority to ensure that members fully enjoy yoga and benefit from it. Choosing the right teacher for your level and style will not only help you quickly adapt to and learn yoga but will also help you improve your mental, emotional, physical and psychological aspects. At Y +, we can help you!
-Select the entry level class, please refer to the class notes to avoid the mistake of choosing the advanced courses.
- Explore and try different yoga classes. Don’t give up yoga just for one particular class or teacher.
- Consider your own conditions, and choose the class suitable for yourself. For example, not everyone is fit for hot yoga.
- It is important to know that yoga is different from other sports. Yoga is an exercise based on ancient traditions combining breathing, relaxation, mental and meditation
- Just because you can't lift your legs up like everyone else in your yoga practice doesn't mean you're a loser. Understanding the limits of your body is an important part of yoga practice. As long as you adjust to your flexibility and strength, you can also get benefits from yoga.
- As a beginner, it's best to take as many classes as you can in order to let your joints and muscles get used to these new exercises as soon as possible, we recommend to take 3 classes a week.
Keep practice, practice, practice…