1. 进入馆内请脱鞋并将您的鞋子放在鞋柜中;
2. 请在馆内及教室内保持安静,避免喧哗影响课程及他人休息;
3. 所有会馆内禁止吸烟;
4. 会员务必在课程开始前进入教室,迟到者即使已经登记及更换好衣物,也将被禁止进入教室;
5. 请勿在会馆内及教室内、更衣室内吃东西。饮料是允许的但必须是瓶装饮料以避免打翻。
6. 进入教室避免佩戴过多的饰品,以免刮伤或丢失;
7. 请为他人着想,在教室里行走时请勿踩瑜伽垫,请行走在垫子间隙中;
8. 女生长发请尽量束起。这会让您的练习更加舒适和集中;
9. 请关掉你的手机或调整为震动模式放进更衣柜。教室中禁止带入电话和其它电子产品;
10. 课程开始前您必须将课牌交给老师,课牌若未归还,需照价赔偿。
1. Please take off your shoes and keep them in the shoe cabinet.
2. Please keep quiet inside the studio and classroom, lower your voice to avoid impacting the class and people at rest.
3. Smoking is prohibited inside the studio.
4. Please enter the classroom before the class begins, latecomers will be stop to enter the classroom even if they have
registered and get changed. Try not to leave the classroom during the class.
5. Please do not have food in the studio includes classroom and changing room. Drinks are allowed but must be bottled
to avoid spillage. Refrain from drinking strong and spicy drinks (such as coffee);
6. Avoid wearing too many accessories in the classroom to avoid scratching or losing
7. Do not step on others’ mat and keep walking in the middle of the mat.
8. We kindly suggest girls to bundle up their long hair, This will make your practice more comfortable and focused.
9. Please turn off your cell phone or adjust it to vibrational mode and keep it in the wardrobe. Telephone and other
electronic products are prohibited in the classroom.
10. Give back the class card to the teacher before the class begins. Compensation
is subject to the price if the class card is not be returned.